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2257 Compliance Information

Some of the visual depictions on this Web site may be exempt from the requirements of 18 U.S.C.  2257 because (1) they do not contain a visual depiction of actual or simulated sexually explicit conduct as defined in 18 U.S.C.  2256(2)(A) and/or 28 C.F.R. 75.1; or (2) they were made prior to July 3, 1995; or (3) they were made prior to March 18, 2009 and do not contain a visual depiction of sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, bestiality, masturbation or sadistic or masochistic abuse. Those records required by 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations with respect to this Web site are kept by the officer of records.

The person who is responsible for maintaining the records required by this part is the Records Manager. TIR Consuling LLC  hereby certifies that the aforesaid materials are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C.  2257 and associated regulations.

Custodian of Records

TIR Consulting LLC

548 Market Street #81334

San Francisco CA 94104

TIR Consulting LLC 2257

Compliance 2014-2021

For Submissons

2257 For Submissions

Model Release Requirements:
Any depiction of nudity or sexual activity must comply to US2257 Record Keeping Requirements

1. Send me this model release fullly filled out along with:

2. Copy of your government issued photo ID, FRONT AND BACK. Passport or other certified Government ID

3. Picture of your ID (readable) next to your face

4. Picture of you holding the SIGNED MODEL RELEASE next to your face


These doucments will ONLY be used to show proof that you are over 18+ and your consent for me to use your content. They will never be shared.

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